You are here: Product Management Tasks > Managing Products

Managing Products

To reach the Products page, on the main menu click Catalog. The left pane displays a list of all Products and provides the following information about each Product:

  Product Type The following Product types are available:
Indicates that the Product is a Base Product.
    Indicates that the Product is a Modification Product.
    Indicates that the Product has been defined as Unlocked.
    Indicates that this is a Cancellation Product, which can be used to cancel another Product.
Indicates that the Product is a Cloud Product.
  Product Name of the Product.
  Product ID

A unique integer value that identifies the Product.

The Product ID on the GUI maps to the value in the PRDIdentifier column in the T_PRD database table. To extract product details by providing a Product ID (using a web service), the user needs to fetch the PRDId corresponding to the PRDIdentifier for a specific record in the T_PRD database table.

  Ref ID 1 Information that identifies the Product in a different system, for example, a Product code in your company's ERP system.
  Status Indicates the current status of the Product:
Orange icon indicates that the Product is in Draft state.
Green icon indicates that the Product is in Complete state.
Indicates that the Product has reached End of Life state.
  Type Indicates whether the Product is meant for Sentinel LDK or Cloud Entitlements.

Filtering and Searching the Products List

Viewing the Details of a Product

To view the details of a Product, select a Product from the left pane. The details are displayed in the right pane.

Tasks for Managing Products

Before performing any of the following tasks, you need to specify the Batch Code for the Products that you want to view and/or manage.

In the Products page, select the required Batch Code from the Batch Code drop-down list. The Products for the selected Batch Code are displayed.

New Product

Define a new Product. You can create either a new LDK Product or a Cloud Product by selecting the appropriate option from the Product Type drop-down list.

  • For a LDK Base Product, you can specify its Features and their licensing details, and define the layout and contents of memory data.
  • For a Cloud Product, you can specify its Features and their licensing details.

See Creating a Product  for details.

> Unlocked

 (Relevant only for LDK Products)  Define a new Unlocked Product, which is built on a Base Product. A Unlocked Product can be distributed as trialware or for use during a grace period.

See Defining a Unlocked Product for details.

> Copy

Define a new Product using the properties of an existing Product.

See Duplicating a Product for details.

> Modification

 (Relevant only for LDK Products)  Define a new Modification Product that is a modified version of a Base Product or another Modification Product.

Modification Products cannot be defined from a Unlocked Product.

See Defining a Modification Product for details.

> Cancellation

 (Relevant only for LDK Products)  Define a new Cancellation Product from a Base Product or Modification Product, to cancel the selected Product.

See Defining Product Cancellation for details.

View the properties of a selected Product, and change them if the Product is not currently included in an Entitlement.

See Updating Product Details for details.

> End of Life Mark the selected Product as End of Life (EOL). An EOL Product can no longer be included in an Entitlement. This task is listed only if the status of the Product is Complete.
> Complete This task is listed if the Product has the status Draft or End of Life. Changes the status of the Product to Complete, so that it can be included in Entitlements.
> Delete Delete the selected Product. This task is listed only if the Product and any derived Products are not currently included in an Entitlement (the status of the Product is Draft).
© Copyright 2017, Gemalto, Inc. All rights reserved. Sentinel EMS for Sentinel LDK v.7.7