You are here: Product Management Tasks > Managing Products > Updating Product Details

Updating Product Details

The steps to edit a Product are identical for both LDK and Cloud Products. The Edit Product page enables you to edit the details of a Product.

The fields that you can edit depends upon whether the Product is deployed or not. If the Product is:

To edit a Product:

  1. On the main menu, click Catalog. The Products page appears.
  2. In the Batch Code drop-down list select the Batch Code. The Products available in the Batch Code are displayed.

    If you have permission on only one Batch Code or if Sentinel EMS has only one Batch Code, the Batch Code is displayed instead of the drop-down list.

  3. Select the Product to modify.
  4. Click . The Edit Product pop-up appears.
  5. Edit the fields as required.
  6. Click Save.
© Copyright 2017, Gemalto, Inc. All rights reserved. Sentinel EMS for Sentinel LDK v.7.7