You are here: Managing Customers and Channel Partners > Managing Channel Partners

Managing Channel Partners

To reach the Channel Partners page, on the main menu click Customers > Channel Partners. The left pane displays a list of all Channel Partners and provides the following information about each Channel Partner:

  Status The current status of the Channel Partner.
  Type Indicates the Channel Partner type:
  Name The name of the Customer who placed the order.
  Ref ID Reference ID of the Channel Partner in another system.

Filtering and Searching the Channel Partners List

Viewing the Details of a Channel Partner

To view the details of a Channel Partner, select a Channel Partner from the left pane. The details are displayed in the right pane.

Tasks for Managing Channel Partners

New Channel Partner

Define a new Channel Partner and its properties.

Refer to Creating a Channel Partner.

View and edit the properties of the selected Channel Partner.

See Updating the Details of a Channel Partner.

> Delete Delete the selected Channel Partner. This task is listed only if no Entitlements exist for the Channel Partner.
> Disable / Enable Disable or enable a Channel Partner. Entitlements cannot be created for disabled Channel Partners.

Tasks for Managing Contacts (for Company-type Channel Partners)

For Company-type Channel Partners, you can specify multiple Contacts and edit their details. The Contact Association pane appears at the bottom-right of the page.

New Contact

Create a Contact for a Company-type Channel Partner. This task does not appear for Individual-type Channel Partners.

See Creating/Updating a Contact for a Company-type Channel Partner

> Disable / Enable Disable or enable a Contact. Disabled Contacts cannot login to Sentinel EMS.

View and edit the properties of the selected Contact.

See Creating/Updating a Contact for a Company-type Channel Partner.

> Delete Delete the selected Contact. You cannot delete Contacts for which Entitlements exist.
> Set as Default Mark the selected Contact as the default Contact for the Channel Partner.
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