You are here: Product Management Tasks > Managing Features

Managing Features

To reach the Features page, on the main menu click Catalog > Features. The left pane displays a list of all Features and provides the following information about each Feature:

  Feature The name of the Feature.
  Feature ID

A unique integer value that identifies the Feature.

The Feature ID on the GUI maps to the value in the FTRIdentifier column in the T_FTR database table. To extract feature details by providing a Feature ID (using a web service), the user needs to fetch the FeatureID corresponding to the FTRIdentifier for a specific record in the T_FTR database table.

  Ref ID 1 Information that identifies the Feature in a different system, for example, a Feature code in your company's ERP system.
  Status Indicates whether the Feature is included in any Product.
Deployed (already included in some Product)
Not Deployed (not included in any Product)
The Feature has been marked obsolete. It can no more be included in a Product. However, it may remain part of pre-existing Products.

Filtering and Searching the Features List

Viewing the Details of a Feature

To view the details of a Feature, select a Feature from the left pane. The details are displayed in the right pane.

Tasks for Managing Features

Before performing any of the following tasks, you need to specify the Batch Code for the Features that you want to view and/or manage.

In the Features page, select the required Batch Code from the Batch Code drop-down list. The Features for the selected Batch Code are displayed.

New Feature

Define a new Feature and its properties.

See Creating a Feature for details.

View the properties of the selected Feature, and if the Feature is not currently included in a Product, to edit these properties.

See Updating Feature Details for details.

> Obsolete/Restore Obsolete/restore a Feature. Obsolete Features are not available to be included in Products.
> Delete Delete the selected Feature. This task is listed only if the Feature is not currently included in a Product (not deployed).
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