You are here: Product Management Tasks > Managing Features > Creating a Feature

Creating a Feature

The Create Feature pop-up enables you to define a new Feature and add it to the selected batch. By default, Sentinel EMS assigns a unique Feature ID to each new Feature. However, you can assign your own numeric identifier to the Feature, for example, to maintain consistency with existing Feature data. The same Feature ID may be used in more than one batch, but must be unique within each batch.

  1. In the Feature Name field, enter a name for the new Feature (maximum length 50 characters). The name must be unique in the selected batch.
  2. The naming convention is case-insensitive. For example, the Feature names Print, PRINT and print are considered identical.

  3. Sentinel EMS generates a unique Feature ID for each new Feature in the Feature ID field.

    You can assign your own numeric identifier (between 1 and 65471) to the Feature, for example, to maintain consistency with existing Feature data. The Feature ID that you specify must be unique in the selected batch. You can check the availability of the Feature ID using the Available? button.

  4. Enter Ref ID 1 and Ref ID 2 if required (maximum 250 characters). You can enter information that identifies the Feature in a different system, for example, a Feature code in your company's ERP system.
  5. In the Description field, you can enter text to provide additional information about the Feature. The description is optional (maximum length 1024 characters).
  6. Click Save.
© Copyright 2017, Gemalto, Inc. All rights reserved. Sentinel EMS for Sentinel LDK v.7.7