You are here: Product Management Tasks > Defining Memory Data

Defining Memory Data

This section is relevant only for LDK Products/Entitlements.

The Define Memory Data tab of the Product Properties pop-up enables you to define the layout and contents of the memory data associated with the Product. This data is written to the Sentinel protection keys when an order for the Product is produced, or when the Product is activated using a Sentinel protection key.

You can define segments in memory according to your requirements, and you can select different colors for the segments to make it easy to identify them. After you have defined a memory segment, you can enter data into the segment. You can redefine the data and segment layout as required. Alternatively, you can select the Specify at Entitlement time check box for one or more segments to enable staff to enter Customer-specific data when an order is being processed. You can associate both Dynamic memory as well as Default Memory with a Product.

Default Memory

To define a new segment and data in memory:

To edit segments and data in memory:

When you have finished defining the memory segments and data, you can click the Select Feature tab to continue defining the properties for the Product.

If you have finished defining the Product properties, click Save in the Product Properties pop-up. The new or updated Product is displayed in the Products page.

Dynamic Memory

To define a new segment and data in memory:

If you have finished defining the Product properties, click Save as Complete in the Product Properties pop-up. The new or updated Product is displayed in the Products page.
© Copyright 2017, Gemalto, Inc. All rights reserved. Sentinel EMS for Sentinel LDK v.7.7