You are here: Managing Entitlements > Creating an Entitlement > Defining Deployment Mode and Other Details

Defining Deployment Mode and Other Details

This section is relevant only for Cloud   Products/Entitlements.

Using Deployment Mode, you can specify whether your protected application will be hosted on cloud or will be installed locally.


If you select Cloud, you can specify the Entitlement Type from the following:

  1. Un-named: Unlimited number of end users associated with the Customer can use the Entitlement items.
  2. Named: You can define multiple end users who can use the Entitlement items.

    If you select Named, the Number of Identities field appears. In this field, you can define the number of end users (Identities) who can use the Entitlement items. To add/remove Identities for the Entitlement see Managing Identities.


If you select On-premise, the Caching Type field appears. This specifies how your on-premise application requests and caches licenses from Cloud Connect Server. Following options for Caching Type are available:
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