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Checking in C2V File

This section is relevant only for LDK Products/Entitlements.

The Check in C2V pop-up enables you to process and store the Sentinel security key information that is contained in a Customer-to-Vendor (C2V) file. This information can be used in connection with Protection Key Update orders. In addition, it enables you to format a key, or to generate a file that you can send to a Customer to format a key that is already deployed.

To Check in C2V Data

Removing/Applying Pending Updates

If previous updates are pending for a C2V file then you need to remove or apply these before applying new updates.

To remove/apply pending updates:

  1. Select a C2V file and click Check In.

  2. If previous updates are pending for the C2V file, "You have <#>pending updates" message is displayed. You will need to apply or remove the pending updates.

    1. To remove all pending updates, click Remove.
    2. To apply pending updates
      1. Click View. The Pending Updates dialog box appears.

      2. Select the Product Key and click Generate to generate the V2C file for the pending updates.

Formatting a Sentinel Protection Key

Formatting a key erases all license and memory data stored in the key and resets the data for that key in the EMS database. Formatting can be applied in the following ways:

Formatting a Locally Connected Sentinel HL key:

When a Sentinel HL key is received from a customer, you need to check in the information, in order to make the data in the key available to Sentinel EMS. Next you can format the key.

Generating an Update File (V2C) for Formatting a Remote Sentinel Protection Key:

When a C2V file is received from a Customer, you need to check in the information, in order to make the data in the file available to Sentinel EMS.

Applying Format V2C File to a Sentinel Protection Key at the End-User Site:

Applying License Updates by Re-Generating Format V2C

If you are unable to access the previously generated Format V2C file (for any reason), then it needs to be re-generated. This is done by checking in the latest C2V for the key. If the Format V2C file is not applied, then subsequent updates made to the protection key also cannot be applied.

To apply subsequent license updates by re-generating and applying Format V2C:

Now, you can create protection key updates and apply them as well.

Enabling Licenses that have been Disabled due to Clone Detection

If the licenses for one or more applications that are locked to a Sentinel SL Legacy key are running on a cloned machine, those applications will be disabled; until the disabled licenses are cleared from the Sentinel SL Legacy key and new licenses are applied. This functionality has now been extended to include Sentinel SL-AdminMode and Sentinel SL-UserMode keys also.

To clear the disabled licenses, you can use the Clear Clone functionality during the Check in C2V process to generate a special V2C file.

Clearing a Sentinel SL Legacy key does not format the key.

To create a V2C file to clear a Sentinel SL key that has been disabled due to clone detection:

Synchronizing Protection Key with the Database

When the license information stored on the Sentinel protection key is updated outside of EMS, the Synchronize button is displayed at the time of checking in the C2V file.

In this scenario, EMS is not aware of the changes made to the key, however, it can identify that the information stored on the C2V file is different from the current state of the database. Therefore, it prompts the user to synchronize the EMS database with updated license information on the C2V. Once the synchronization operation is performed, you will be able to check in the C2V file.

To synchronize the EMS database with the check in C2V:

Eligible C2V for Clear Clone Operation

For a C2V to be considered eligible for the clear clone operation, at least one of the items participating in the clone protection scheme should match between the reference fingerprint and the system fingerprint. In the event, that there is no match, an error message is displayed and the V2C cannot be generated.

The following tables shows the eligibility criteria that is used to determine whether the C2V is eligible for clear clone operation or not.

Operating System Physical Machine Virtual Machine




Hard Disk UID or Motherboard UID or Secure Storage UID

Ethernet UID or CPU ID or Motherboard UID or Secure Storage UID




Hard Disk UID or Motherboard UID or Secure Storage UID

Ethernet UID or CPU UID or Motherboard UID or Secure Storage UID


Macintosh (Mac)


Hard Disk UID or Motherboard UID or Secure Storage UID

Ethernet UID or CPU ID or Motherboard UID or Secure Storage UID



CPU UID or Hard Disk UID or Android Serial Number or Secure Storage UID and Android First Boot


Not Applicable

V2C Generation for Ineligible C2V

After clicking the Clear Clone button, if you get an error message, it means that your C2V has failed to meet the minimum eligibility criteria for using the Clear Clone functionality. As an ISV, if you still want to allow the user to generate a V2C, you need to follow either of the following two methods.

For Method 1, steps 1-4 are performed by the end user and step 5 by the ISV. For method 2, steps 1 and 2 are performed by the end user and steps 3 and 4 by the ISV.

Method 1

To generate a V2C file for an ineligible C2V:

Method 2

To generate a V2C file for an ineligible C2V:
© Copyright 2017, Gemalto, Inc. All rights reserved. Sentinel EMS for Sentinel LDK v.7.7