You are here: Managing Entitlements > Producing LDK Entitlements > Producing the Protection Key Update File for an Entitlement

Producing Protection Key Update File for an Entitlement

The Produce Protection Key Update pop-up enables you to generate files containing the Protection Key Update information for the Entitlement. A separate file is generated for each Sentinel protection key that is to be updated. You can select to generate V2C files or EXE files containing V2C data.

Customer Name of the Customer for whom the key is being burned.
E-mail E-mail of the Customer.
Activations The number of Sentinel HL keys ordered.
Remaining Activations The number of Sentinel HL keys remaining to be produced.
Ref ID 1, Ref ID 2 Information that identifies the order in a different system, for example, an order code in your company's ERP system.
Entitlement Comments Text information related to the production of this Entitlement.
Products All Products available in the order and their Locking Types are listed in a table.

To produce the Protection Key Update file:

The name of each file includes the key ID for the Sentinel protection key that is to be updated. The status of the Entitlement changes to Completed in the Entitlements page.
© Copyright 2017, Gemalto, Inc. All rights reserved. Sentinel EMS for Sentinel LDK v.7.7