You are here: Managing Provisioning Containers

Managing Provisioning Containers

A Provisioning Container is automatically created when you deploy a Cloud Entitlement. Thereafter all actions related to the Cloud Entitlement (for example, disabling, enabling, revocation) can only be performed in the related Provisioning Container. Each Provisioning Container is identified by a unique Provisioning Container ID. A Provisioning Container is always a associated with a Cloud Entitlement.

When you modify a Provisioning Container, you in fact create a new Entitlement with parameters copied from an existing Entitlement currently linked with the Provisioning Container. After the new Entitlement is deployed, it becomes the current Entitlement for the Provisioning Container. All previous Entitlements are maintained in the transaction history of the Provisioning Container and also in the Entitlements list.

The End User can log on to the Sentinel EMS end user portal using this Provisioning Container ID and view its details and perform certain actions.

While creating a Cloud Entitlement, if you select New in the Provisioning Container field, a new Provisioning Container is created. If you select you can either create a new Provisioning Container or choose to modify an existing Provisioning Container.

To reach the Provisioning Container page, on the main menu click Entitlements > Provisioning Container. The left pane displays the following information about the available Provisioning Containers:

  Type Indicates the Provisioning Container type.
  Represents a Named Provisioning Container. You can associate Identities with it. An end user can access the included Products only if his Identity is mentioned in the Provisioning Container.
   Represents a Unnamed Provisioning Container. No Identities are mentioned in it. Unlimited number of users can access the related Products. All the users will have the same authorization rights.
  Represents a disabled Named Provisioning Container.
  Represents a disabled Un-named Provisioning Container.
An End Users cannot log on to the Sentinel EMS End User portal with a disabled Provisioning Container ID.
  Named revoked
  Unnamed revoked
  Created On The date on which the Provisioning Container was created.
  Status Indicates the current status of the Provisioning Container.
  Customer Name of the Customer who placed the order.

Filtering and Searching the List of Provisioning Containers

To search provisioning containers using one or more filter criteria:

Viewing the Details of a Provisioning Container

To view the details of a Provisioning Container, select a Provisioning Container from the left pane. The details like Provisioning Container ID, Status, etc. are displayed in the right pane.

Viewing Transaction Details

When you select a Provisioning Container, its transaction details are displayed in the bottom-right pane. The list contains the current and all previous Entitlements being created for the Provisioning Container, sorted by date.

Tasks for Managing Provisioning Containers

Before performing any of the following tasks, you need to specify the Batch Code for the Provisioning Container that you want to view and/or manage.

In the Provisioning Container page, select the required Batch Code from the Batch Code drop-down list. The Entitlements for the selected Batch Code are displayed.

> Disable Disable the selected Provisioning Container. All Products in the Provisioning Container will be temporarily withheld till it is enabled again.
> Enable Enable the selected Provisioning Container.
> Revoke Revoke the Provisioning Container. Licenses for all included Products will be canceled.
> Manage Identities

Manage Identities associated with a Cloud Named Entitlement.

See Managing Identities for details.

> Manage Fingerprints

Add/remove fingerprints to a Provisioning Container.

See Managing Fingerprints for details.

> Manage Active Stations

View/remove the machines that are currently active in a Provisioning Container.

See Managing Active Stations for details.

Tasks for Managing Products in a Provisioning Containers

When you select a Provisioning Container, the associated Products are displayed in the bottom-right pane. Click the plus icon () to expand and view the associated Features and their license terms.

Select a Product and click the following:

> Billing Data

Generate the billing data as XML for the selected Products.

See Generating Billing Data (XML) for details.

> View Usage Data

View the usage data for the selected Products.

See Viewing Usage Data for details.

> View Current Session

View current sessions established to a Feature by one or more user. For on-premise feature level applications, you can view the type of on-premise licenses served (i.e., Detached or Connected). For Detached licenses, the maximum duration for which the license can remain disconnected is also shown.

See Viewing Current Session Details for Concurrent Features for details.

> View Current Usage Count

View usage count of Features having Prepaid license model.

See Viewing Usage Count for Prepaid Features for details.
© Copyright 2017, Gemalto, Inc. All rights reserved. Sentinel EMS for Sentinel LDK v.7.7