You are here: Managing Customers and Channel Partners > Managing Customers > Creating a Customer

Creating a Customer

The create customer page enables you to define a new customer.

  1. Specify whether the Customer Type is Company or Individual.
  2. For Company-type Customer provide the following information. 

    1. Company Name—Enter a name for the company.
    2. Telephone and Fax—Enter telephone and fax numbers.
    3. CRM ID and Ref ID— Enter values for CRM ID and Ref ID if required.
    4. Description—Enter a description for the Customer.
    5. Batch Code — (Optional) Associate a Batch Code with the Customer. The Customer will be available for Entitlements in the same Batch Code.
    6. Contact Information—The Contact Information pane appears for Company type customers. This is optional. However, if you provide values in any of the required (*) fields, then you need to fill all the required fields in this pane. Following fields are available:
      1. First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name—Provide a name for the Contact.
      2. E-mail—Enter the e-mail address of the Contact.
      3. Locale—Select the preferred language for the Contact.
  3. For Individual-type Customer provide the following information.

    1. First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name—Provide a name for the Customer.
    2. E-mail—Enter the e-mail address of the Customer in the field.
    3. Locale—Select the preferred language for the Customer.
    4. Batch Code — (Optional) Associate a Batch Code with the Customer. The Customer will be available for Entitlements in the same Batch Code.
    5. Telephone and Fax—Enter telephone and fax numbers.
    6. CRM ID and Ref ID— Enter values for CRM ID and Ref ID if required.
  4. In the Billing Details pane, enter the billing address.

  5. To specify a shipping address same as the billing address ensure that the Shipping details are same as billing details check box is selected. To specify a different shipping address, clear this check box—the Shipping Details pane is displayed. Enter the shipping address.
  6. Click Save.
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