You are here: Product Management Tasks > Defining License Terms for a Cloud Product

Defining License Terms for a Cloud Product

In Sentinel EMS, you can specify the licensing details for each Feature in the Product that you are defining. You can select two or more Features that require the same licensing details and specify the licensing terms only once.

Licensing terms for a Feature can be defined when the Product is being created, or during Entitlement generation if this option has been enabled.

Cloud License Types

You can choose from one of the following license types:

  1. Concurrent—It is a subscription-based license model in which there is a limit on the concurrent use of a Feature. You can specify the number of concurrent instances allowed for a feature, and select how concurrent instances are counted.

    The attributes of Concurrent license model are Start Date, End Date, Concurrent Limit, Instance Counting, Usage Type (Default is Time Based), and Vendor Attribute.

  2. Prepaid—Specifies a limit on the maximum number of times a license can be used, in addition to license validity.

    You can define a grace limit that allows use of a prepaid feature even after the maximum usage count has exhausted. The grace limit provides additional time to an end user to get the license renewed. You can use the Run-time API, getInfo, to send notifications to end users about the grace limit. For details of the getinfo API, refer to the Cloud Run-time Guide.

    The attributes of Prepaid license model are Start Date, End Date, Grace Limit, Measurement Unit, Maximum Usage Limit, and Vendor Attribute. The usage model is Count Based; however, the usage data is not used for billing.

  3. Subscription—Specifies that the license to use the product is valid for a specified duration (for example, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year). The product can be used unlimited number of times within the specified duration.

    You can also define a grace period (only for Subscription license type), during which the end user can use an expired/exhausted license. The grace period provides an additional time for a user to get the license renewed. You can use the Run-time API, getInfo, to send notifications to end users about the grace period. For details of the getinfo API, refer to the Cloud Run-time Guide.

  4. Postpaid—Specifies that the license to use the product is valid for a specified duration, but the billing can be done based on the usage model, which can either be:

When you select the license type, you can also specify the values for the license terms. These license values will apply to all orders for this Product. For maximum flexibility, you can choose to leave the values to be specified at the time when each individual order is processed.

Alternatively, you can select Specify at Entitlement time from the license type drop-down list, to enable the type of license to be specified at Entitlement generation.

License Attributes

Attribute Description Default Setting
Execution Count
Executions The maximum number of times a Feature can be used. Its range is 1 to 2147483647. 100
Date and Time
Start Date (and Time)

The license start date and time. If a start date and time is specified for a license, the associated Feature cannot be used before this date and time.

Current Date, 12:00 AM
End Date (and Time)

The license expiration date and time. If end date and time is specified for a license, the associated Feature cannot be used after this date and time.

You can also set the end date to No Limit (never expire).

Concurrent Instances The maximum number of concurrent instances allowed for a feature. The Concurrent Limit for a feature should be in the range 1-32752. 10
Counting Type

The criteria of counting concurrent instances, which can be one of the following:

  • Per Login - Count each login request as an instance. If the same user logs in to a feature multiple times, each login will consume one concurrency limit.
  • Per Identity - Count each user as an instance. All the login requests by the same user ID are counted as an instance, and consume only one concurrency limit.
  • Per Identity Per Station - Count each user-machine pair as one session. All the login requests by the same user from the same machine are counted as one session, and consume only one concurrency limit. Concurrency is counted as follows:
    • A user accessing the single instance application on the same machine is counted as ONE count.
    • A user accessing the multiple instances of an application on the same machine is counted as ONE count.
    • The same user accessing the multiple instances of the application on multiple machines is counted as N usage, where N is the number of machines. For on-premise applications using entitlement level caching mode, only Per Login option is supported. For on-premise applications using feature level caching mode, only Per Identity Per Station option is supported.
Per Login
Grace Limit

The additional number of days for which the Feature can be used after its license has expired. The range is from 0 to 365.

Grace Limit is applicable only for subscription licenses.
Usage Type
Usage Type

Required for data aggregation and tracking. Usage type can be from the following:

  • Time: Duration of each login session is counted.
  • Count: Each login-logout pair is counted as one execution.
Vendor Attribute
Vendor Attribute

Stores a vendor-defined value, for example, employee role, data download speed, etc. In your protected application you can query the vendor attribute values and define application logic based on it.

You can enter up to 255 alphanumeric characters in this field.

A vendor attribute is not used by Cloud Connect in license enforcement.

While configuring license terms for Features in a Product, you can set a license attribute to Specify at Entitlement time to allow its value to be changed during Entitlement generation.

To define the license terms for a Feature:

  1. In the License Type drop-down list, select the license type for the Feature.
    To enable the license type to be specified when each individual Entitlement is processed, select the Specify at Entitlement time option instead of defining the value.
  2. Enter the value for the license type in the subsequent field(s). This value will be applied to all Entitlements for this Product.
    1. Concurrent—the Feature can be used concurrently by a specified number of users.
    2. Prepaid—the license to use the Product will be valid for a specified number of times.
    3. Subscription—the license to use the Product will be valid for a specified duration.
    4. Postpaid—the license to use the Product is valid for a specified duration, but the billing can be done based on the usage model (time or count based).
    5. See License Attributes for details.

      While configuring license terms for Features in a Product, you can set a license attribute to Specify at Entitlement time to allow its value to be changed during Entitlement generation. When this option is selected, you can specify a default value.

  3. Click Save.
© Copyright 2017, Gemalto, Inc. All rights reserved. Sentinel EMS for Sentinel LDK v.7.7